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En esta entrada vamos a explicar como configurar el transceptor RFXtrx433 de RFXCOM para funcionar con openHAB.
En esta entrada vamos a explicar como configurar el transceptor RFXtrx433 de RFXCOM para funcionar con openHAB.
Módulo RFXtrx433 |
En primer lugar hay que decir que el módulo RFXtrx433 es un emisor/receptor de señales RF en la banda de 433.92Mhz con conexión USB, que es capaz de decodificar muchos protocolos usados por interruptores, enchufes, estaciones meteorológicas, medidConfigurando el dispositivoores de energía... Entre todos esos protocolos se encuentra el usado por los enchufes que analicé aquí, aquí y aquí. El protocolo usado lo identifica como Impuls.
Configurando el dispositivo
Como se trata de un dispositivo USB cuando lo conectemos al equipo lo reconocerá como /dev/ttyUSB0 unas veces, otras como /dev/ttyUSB1... dependiendo de los dispositivos USB que tengamos en ese momento conectados. Para evitar ese baile de nombres vamos a definir una regla udev para que siempre lo tengamos como /dev/rfxcom.
Lo primero que hay que hacer es identificar nuestro dispositivo univocamente, que no haya posibilidad de error. Para ello usamos el comando:
udevadm info -a -p $(udevadm info -q path -n /dev/ttyUSBx)
cambiando la x por el número que tenga nuestro dispositivo en el momento de conectarlo. Obtendremo un listado largo que contendrá algo así:
looking at parent device '/devices/platform/bcm2708_usb/usb1/1-1/1-1.2':
ATTRS{bNumInterfaces}==" 1"
ATTRS{bMaxPower}==" 90mA"
ATTRS{version}==" 2.00"
De entre toda esta información del dispositivo debemos elegir algo que nos identifique al dispositivo. Se puede elegir el serial, o la combinación idVendor/idProduct... Lo más normal es elegir esto último.
Creamos el fichero /etc/udev/rules.d/10-local.rules con el siguiente contenido:
Si desconectamos el dispositivo y lo volvemos a conectar nos debería aparecer el enlace /dev/rfxcom automágicamente enlazado al correspondiente /dev/ttyUSBx.
El addon RFXCom para openHAB utiliza la librería RxTx para acceder a los puertos serie del equipo, la cual no funciona demasiado bien con los dispositivos no estandares en /dev. Para solventar este inconveniente hay que decirle a openHAB que le diga a la librería RxTx que /dev/rfxcom es un dispositivo serie válido. Y ¿cómo lo hacemos? Fácil, hay que ir a los archivos y para añadir en la última linea, la que inicia el programa con java... el siguiente parámetro:
Tenéis mas informacion sobre la forma en que la librería RxTx detecta o lista los puertos serie del equipo aquí.
Primeras pruebas
Una vez que tenemos el dispositivo listo, y localizado, necesitamos hacer alguna prueba para ver si funciona correctamente. Para ello nos bajamos el software rfxcmd de aquí, y lo descomprimimos en una carpeta:mkdir rfxcmd
cd rfxcmd
unzip -d v024
cd v024
Al intentar ejecutarlo nos dice que falta la extensión Serial de python. La instalamos:
apt-get install python-serial
y continuamos con las pruebas poniendo el modulo en escucha continua:
./ -d /dev/rfxcom
nos da la siguiente salida si todo ha ido bien:
RFXCMD version 0.24
Received = 0D 01 00 00 02 53 43 00 40 00 01 01 00 00
Date/Time = 2013-10-02 12:22:50
Packet Length = 0D
Packettype = Interface Message
Subtype = Interface response
Sequence nbr = 00
Response on cmnd = Get Status, return firmware versions and configuration of the interface.
Transceiver type = 433.92MHz (Transceiver)
Firmware version = 67
Display undecoded = Off
Disabled AE (433.92)
Disabled Rubicson (433.92)
Disabled FineOffset / Viking (433.92)
Disabled RFU3
Disabled RFU4
Disabled RFU5
Disabled RFU6
Disabled Mertik (433.92)
Disabled AD (433.92)
Disabled Hideki/UPM (433.92)
Disabled La Crosse (433.92/868.30)
Disabled FS20 (868.35)
Disabled ProGuard (868.35 FSK)
Enabled BlindsT0 (433.92)
Disabled BlindsT1/T2/T3 (433.92)
Disabled X10 (310/433.92)
Disabled ARC (433.92)
Disabled AC (433.92)
Disabled HomeEasy EU (433.92)
Disabled Meiantech (433.92)
Disabled Oregon Scientific (433.92)
Disabled ATI (433.92)
Disabled Visonic (315/868.95)
Configuración del addon RFXCom
Para que funcione el addon tenemos copiar el archivo jar en la carpeta de addons, y modificar en el fichero de configuración openhab.cfg el nombre del puerto serie que se usará para conectar con el dispositivo:rfxcom.serialPort=/dev/rfxcom
Ahora podemos arrancar openHAB en modo depuración con y ver los registros del addon, que serán algo parecido a esto:
root@raspberrypi:/opt/openhab# ./ Launching the openHAB runtime in debug mode... Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 8001 osgi> 08:49:54.236 DEBUG o.o.c.s.i.SchedulerActivator[:56] - Scheduler has been started. 08:49:54.866 INFO o.q.impl.StdSchedulerFactory[:1175] - Using default implementation for ThreadExecutor 08:49:55.208 INFO o.q.core.SchedulerSignalerImpl[:61] - Initialized Scheduler Signaller of type: class org.quartz.core.SchedulerSignalerImpl 08:49:55.215 INFO o.quartz.core.QuartzScheduler[:243] - Quartz Scheduler v.2.1.7 created. 08:49:55.244 INFO org.quartz.simpl.RAMJobStore[:154] - RAMJobStore initialized. 08:49:55.268 INFO o.quartz.core.QuartzScheduler[:268] - Scheduler meta-data: Quartz Scheduler (v2.1.7) 'openHAB-job-scheduler' with instanceId 'NON_CLUSTERED' Scheduler class: 'org.quartz.core.QuartzScheduler' - running locally. NOT STARTED. Currently in standby mode. Number of jobs executed: 0 Using thread pool 'org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool' - with 2 threads. Using job-store 'org.quartz.simpl.RAMJobStore' - which does not support persistence. and is not clustered. 08:49:55.281 INFO o.q.impl.StdSchedulerFactory[:1324] - Quartz scheduler 'openHAB-job-scheduler' initialized from specified file: './etc/' 08:49:55.287 INFO o.q.impl.StdSchedulerFactory[:1328] - Quartz scheduler version: 2.1.7 08:49:55.297 INFO o.quartz.core.QuartzScheduler[:534] - Scheduler openHAB-job-scheduler_$_NON_CLUSTERED started. 08:49:55.342 DEBUG o.o.c.core.ConfigDispatcher[:166] - Processing openHAB default configuration file '/opt/openhab/configurations/openhab_default.cfg'. 08:49:55.979 DEBUG o.o.c.core.ConfigDispatcher[:188] - Processing openHAB main configuration file '/opt/openhab/configurations/openhab.cfg'. 08:49:56.262 DEBUG o.o.c.internal.CoreActivator[:124] - UUID file already exists at '/opt/openhab/webapps/static/uuid' with content '0e3715df-824e-475d-8b46-539284ae5210' 08:49:59.126 DEBUG o.o.c.internal.CoreActivator[:146] - Created file '/opt/openhab/webapps/static/version' with content '1.3.1' 08:49:59.132 INFO o.o.c.internal.CoreActivator[:92] - openHAB runtime has been started (v1.3.1). 08:49:59.521 DEBUG o.o.c.a.i.AutoUpdateActivator[:51] - AutoUpdate binding has been started. 08:50:20.086 DEBUG o.o.m.p.i.PersistenceModelActivator[:43] - Registered 'persistence' configuration parser 08:50:20.279 DEBUG o.o.c.t.i.TransformationActivator[:58] - Transformation Service has been started. 08:50:20.904 DEBUG o.o.i.g.internal.GCalActivator[:54] - Google Calendar IO has been started. 08:50:21.213 DEBUG o.o.i.m.i.MultimediaActivator[:54] - Multimedia I/O bundle has been started. 08:50:21.553 DEBUG o.o.i.s.i.DiscoveryServiceActivator[:47] - Discovery service has been started. 08:50:21.694 DEBUG o.o.i.t.mqtt.MqttService[:138] - Starting MQTT Service... 08:50:24.361 DEBUG o.o.m.i.i.ItemModelActivator[:44] - Registered 'item' configuration parser 08:50:26.163 DEBUG o.o.c.i.items.ItemRegistryImpl[:157] - Item provider 'GenericItemProvider' has been added. 08:50:35.668 INFO o.o.m.c.i.ModelRepositoryImpl[:99] - Loading model 'casa.items' 08:50:39.939 DEBUG o.o.m.i.i.GenericItemProvider[:154] - Read items from model 'casa.items' 08:50:42.213 DEBUG o.o.m.s.i.SitemapModelActivator[:43] - Registered 'sitemap' configuration parser 08:50:43.127 DEBUG o.o.i.r.internal.RESTActivator[:53] - REST API has been started. 08:50:43.681 INFO o.o.i.s.i.DiscoveryServiceImpl[:92] - mDNS service has been started 08:50:46.249 INFO o.a.cpr.AtmosphereFramework[:742] - Installing BroadcastFilter class(es) org.atmosphere.client.FormParamFilter 08:50:46.531 INFO o.a.cpr.AtmosphereFramework[:1118] - Auto detecting atmosphere handlers /WEB-INF/classes/ 08:50:46.668 WARN o.a.cpr.AtmosphereFramework[:814] - Missing META-INF/atmosphere.xml but found the Jersey runtime. Starting Jersey 08:50:47.025 INFO o.a.cpr.AtmosphereFramework[:364] - Installed AtmosphereHandler org.atmosphere.handler.ReflectorServletProcessor mapped to context-path: /* 08:50:47.033 INFO o.a.cpr.AtmosphereFramework[:1173] - Auto detecting WebSocketHandler in /WEB-INF/classes/ 08:50:47.314 INFO o.a.cpr.AtmosphereFramework[:1099] - Atmosphere is using async support: org.atmosphere.container.JettyAsyncSupportWithWebSocket running under container: jetty/8.1.3.v20120522 with WebSocket enabled. 08:50:47.324 INFO o.a.cpr.AtmosphereFramework[:902] - Installed WebSocketProtocol org.atmosphere.websocket.protocol.SimpleHttpProtocol 08:50:47.494 INFO o.a.h.ReflectorServletProcessor[:126] - Installing Servlet com.sun.jersey.spi.container.servlet.ServletContainer 08:50:49.212 INFO c.s.j.s.i.a.WebApplicationImpl[:791] - Initiating Jersey application, version 'Jersey: 1.11 12/09/2011 11:05 AM' 08:50:49.234 INFO c.s.j.s.i.a.WebApplicationImpl[:802] - Adding the following classes declared in META-INF/services/jersey-server-components to the resource configuration: class org.atmosphere.jersey.AtmosphereResourceConfigurator 08:50:50.061 INFO c.s.j.s.i.a.DeferredResourceConfig[:97] - Instantiated the Application class 08:50:52.236 INFO o.o.m.c.i.ModelRepositoryImpl[:99] - Loading model 'casa.sitemap' 08:51:06.022 INFO o.a.cpr.AtmosphereFramework[:589] - Installed Default AtmosphereInterceptor [Android Interceptor Support, SSE Interceptor Support, JSONP Interceptor Support]. Set org.atmosphere.cpr.AtmosphereInterceptor.disableDefaults in your xml to disable them. 08:51:06.029 WARN o.a.cpr.AtmosphereFramework[:509] - No BroadcasterCache configured. Broadcasted message between client reconnection will be LOST. It is recommended to configure the HeaderBroadcasterCache. 08:51:06.043 WARN o.a.cpr.AtmosphereFramework[:533] - Neither TrackMessageSizeInterceptor or TrackMessageSizeFilter are installed. atmosphere.js may receive glued and incomplete message. 08:51:06.049 INFO o.a.cpr.AtmosphereFramework[:537] - HttpSession supported: false 08:51:06.055 INFO o.a.cpr.AtmosphereFramework[:538] - Using BroadcasterFactory: org.atmosphere.cpr.DefaultBroadcasterFactory 08:51:06.061 INFO o.a.cpr.AtmosphereFramework[:539] - Using WebSocketProcessor: org.atmosphere.websocket.DefaultWebSocketProcessor 08:51:06.066 INFO o.a.cpr.AtmosphereFramework[:540] - Using Broadcaster: org.atmosphere.jersey.JerseyBroadcaster 08:51:06.085 INFO o.a.cpr.AtmosphereFramework[:541] - Atmosphere Framework 1.0.4 started. 08:51:06.091 INFO o.o.i.r.i.RESTApplication[:158] - Started REST API at /rest 08:51:06.106 DEBUG o.o.i.s.i.DiscoveryServiceImpl[:63] - Registering new service _openhab-server._tcp.local. at port 8080 08:51:08.742 DEBUG o.o.i.s.i.DiscoveryServiceImpl[:63] - Registering new service _openhab-server-ssl._tcp.local. at port 8443 08:51:11.929 INFO o.o.u.w.i.s.WebAppServlet[:99] - Started Classic UI at / 08:51:18.037 DEBUG o.o.m.r.i.RuleModelActivator[:62] - Registered 'rules' configuration parser 08:51:18.151 DEBUG o.o.m.r.i.engine.RuleEngine[:98] - Started rule engine 08:51:22.341 DEBUG o.o.b.r.i.RFXComActivator[:54] - RFXCOM binding has been started. 08:51:22.538 DEBUG o.o.b.r.i.RFXComConnection[:68] - Activate 08:51:22.551 DEBUG o.o.b.r.i.RFXComConnection[:94] - Configuration updated, config true 08:51:22.562 INFO o.o.b.r.i.RFXComConnection[:127] - Connecting to RFXCOM [serialPort='/dev/rfxcom' ].08:51:22.690 DEBUG o.o.m.i.i.GenericItemProvider[:312] - Start processing binding configuration of Item 'Salon_Lampara (Type=SwitchItem, State=Uninitialized)' with 'RFXComGenericBindingProvider' reader. 08:51:22.769 DEBUG o.o.m.i.i.GenericItemProvider[:312] - Start processing binding configuration of Item 'Cargador_Aspiradora (Type=SwitchItem, State=Uninitialized)' with 'RFXComGenericBindingProvider' reader. 08:51:22.782 DEBUG o.o.m.i.i.GenericItemProvider[:312] - Start processing binding configuration of Item 'Dormitorio_TV (Type=SwitchItem, State=Uninitialized)' with 'RFXComGenericBindingProvider' reader. 08:51:22.796 DEBUG o.o.m.i.i.GenericItemProvider[:312] - Start processing binding configuration of Item 'Cocina_Cafetera (Type=SwitchItem, State=Uninitialized)' with 'RFXComGenericBindingProvider' reader. 08:51:22.813 DEBUG o.o.m.i.i.GenericItemProvider[:312] - Start processing binding configuration of Item 'Salon_TV (Type=SwitchItem, State=Uninitialized)' with 'RFXComGenericBindingProvider' reader. RXTX Warning: Removing stale lock file. /var/lock/LCK..rfxcom 08:51:22.897 DEBUG o.o.b.r.internal.RFXComBinding[:78] - Activate 08:51:22.998 DEBUG o.o.b.r.i.RFXComConnection[:133] - Reset controller 08:51:23.013 DEBUG o.o.b.r.i.c.RFXComSerialConnector[:172] - Data listener started 08:51:24.129 DEBUG o.o.b.r.i.RFXComConnection[:161] - Data received: Raw data = 0D0100010253431F8FFD01010000 - Packet type = INTERFACE_MESSAGE - Seq number = 1 - Sub type = INTERFACE_RESPONSE - Command = GET_STATUS - Transceiver type = _443_92MHZ_TRANSCEIVER - Firmware version = 67 - Hardware version = 1.1 - Undecoded packets = false - RFU6 packets = false - RFU5 packets = false - RFU4 packets = true - RFU3 packets = true - FineOffset / Viking (433.92) packets = true - Rubicson (433.92) packets = true - AE (433.92) packets = true - BlindsT1/T2/T3 (433.92) packets = true - BlindsT0 (433.92) packets = false - ProGuard (868.35 FSK) packets = false - FS20 (868.35) packets = false - La Crosse (433.92/868.30) packets = true - Hideki/UPM (433.92) packets = true - AD (433.92) packets = true - Mertik (433.92) packets = true - Visonic (315/868.95) packets = true - ATI (433.92) packets = true - Oregon Scientific (433.92) packets = true - Meiantech (433.92) packets = true - HomeEasy EU (433.92) packets = true
- ARC (433.92) packets = false - X10 (310/433.92) packets = true
Raw data = 0A520700320E00FE300140 - Packet type = TEMPERATURE_HUMIDITY - Seq number = 0 - Sub type = WT260_WT260H_WT440H_WT450_WT450H - Id = 12814 - Temperature = 25.400000000000002 - Humidity = 48 - Humidity status = COMFORT - Signal level = 4 - Battery level = 0
08:51:27.282 DEBUG o.o.b.r.i.RFXComConnection[:161] - Data received:
- AC (433.92) packets = true
De momento esto es todo por hoy... En la siguiente entrada iremos un poco mas allá: configuraremos los enchufes RF y crearemos un pequeño sitemap con unos cuantos items para gestionarlo todo por web o con el teléfono móvil. Espero que os guste :)
¡Un saludo a todos!